Recent News

New Foundation Fund in Memory of Hartwig Schafer

Hartwig Schafer was an internationally recognized senior manager at the World Bank who retired from the Bank in 2022.  Hartwig was very proud of his relationship with the Dunstan Wai Memorial Charitable Foundation. Every year during the World Bank’s annual fundraising campaign, Hart would invite a member of the Wai Foundation Board—Kim Jaycox, Jim Adams or Dan Ritchie—to speak to his staff about the Foundation’s work. He and his colleagues were very generous in their support, which was matched by the Bank.

Hart retired from the Bank in 2022 as Vice-President of the South Asia Region. Sadly, he suffered a major heart attack and passed away on May 9, 2023. His widow Tatyana requested that contributions in Hart’s memory be made to the Wai Foundation. The response has been very rewarding, enough to support more than a dozen secondary students for a year. And we expect significant support in Hart’s honor again in the World Bank Community Connections Campaign in the autumn.

We are so grateful for Hart’s commitment to the cause of girls’ education in Africa and for his family’s determination to continue his legacy.



           2022 Workshop

In August 2022, the Secondary School Scholarship coordinating team led by Sister Florence Oryema organized a ‘Career Guidance’ workshop. Topics included ways to make successful career choices, identifying personal strengths in choosing careers, knowing the required qualifications in today’s job market. The guest speaker was Ms. Harriet Andrua, Inspector of Schools in Moyo District. The students learned that different careers require different qualifications, that each of them has the strength to choose the right career and be successful in life, that every moment in school counts and they must learn to use school time productively. In their feedback, the students appreciated the workshop, and found the topic truly relevant and beneficial in determining their future career choices.

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